I've missed you!

20 Feb

Okay, so sorry I haven’t wrote more (any) lately!! I have been so so busy that I haven’t really had time to do much other than the necessities of life! I’m sorry I just left everyone without saying anything…

Well, I don’t have a whole lot of time to write now, but I thought I’d show you a few pictures. We’re having a birthday party at my house tonight. We are going to eat at a nice restaurant in a neighboring town, then everyone is coming to my house for cak and board games. Fun! Oh wait, did I mention that there are 30 people coming! And that we are moving in 11 days so my house is currently half packed! Crazy! I know it will be fun, I just have no clue where to put everyone. My house is tin-ny for 30 people. Here’s the cake I just finished with for the party.

It is funfetti flavored (the birthday girl’s favorite). And I it is a checkerboard pattern inside (pink and white). When we cut it tonight, I’ll take a picture to show y’all.

I really wanted a banner for the party, but the ones at the store were multi-colored and didn’t match my pink, black, and white theme. So, I bought some scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby and used my mom’s Cricuit machine and made this for her!

I think it will look better at night when there’s not light shining through behind it. Well, I better go finish cleaning! Funny story, I’m in a wedding in August and the silly bride (love ya Katy!!) decided to buy us 19″ heels to wear with our dresses. So, I decided to wear mine today when I’m cleaning to try to break them in a little bit. Everyone wears windpants and heels to clean right?

Very cute shoes, but tall!!

Talk to you soon! Promise!!

5 Responses to “I've missed you!”

  1. Katy February 20, 2009 at 3:14 PM #

    I’m sooooo glad to finally have an update to read! πŸ™‚ If you could do that everyday for the next uh 10 weeks that would be great πŸ™‚ Love you! Have fun hosting the birthday party! Your cake looks spectacular!

  2. zebe912 February 20, 2009 at 3:25 PM #

    My ankle is starting to hurt just looking at those shoes. I’m lucky if I can wear a 2″ heel for more than a few minutes without major pain. I can’t even imagine those black ones!

  3. Julie February 21, 2009 at 9:18 AM #

    YAY! AN update! Your cake looks awesome, I can’t wait to see the photos of the inside! πŸ™‚ Love those candles too, I’m sure your party was a great success, can’t wait to hear how it went.

  4. laciesheree February 23, 2009 at 1:14 PM #

    HA! I totally wear heels and wind pants when cleaning. Who doesn’t? Loved our lunch today. Miss you so much already and it hasn’t even been 30 minutes.

  5. RoRo February 27, 2009 at 8:25 AM #

    Hoo-ray – a Wiivers blog update – Your maternal grandmother likes it! The cake is gorgeous and the circles are very appropriate for the times.

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