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Please Vote For Me :)

26 Feb

I interrupt this blogging frenzy for a plea for your votes.  The Knot is having their awards and I have entered.  I know I probably don’t have the best pictures, but I am pretty partial. 🙂  So if you want, please vote for me. 🙂  

I would really really enjoy winning a African Safari.  And I will take lots of pictures to share with everyone if I win. 🙂 

I’ll be posting a video highlight shortly (as soon as we can get approval from the artist), I’ll update when that happens.


Mr. Cuppycakes love’s me!

26 Feb

I was kind of bummed out that I had to work late last night.  And some friend were suppossed to come over last night also, but some stuff came up, so they had to cancel.  So as I was driving home, I wasn’t in the best of moods.  As I was drving up my driveway, I saw a cute little package perched on the the steps by the front door.  Now, whenever I get a package (it doesn’t matter what’s in it) I turn into a little kid on Christmas morning.  There is just something so special about people mailing you something.  I hurridly speed  drove cautiously and slowly into the garage, hopped out of my car and ran to the porch to see who my package was from!

I Heart Cuppycakes!  Ooooh, these must be the delicious Turtle Cuppycakes that were inspired by my Turtle Cheesecakes!  As, I read the cute letter she wrote, she also included one of her Red Wino and Chocolate Cuppycakes.  I think I hit the cuppycake jackpot!

When I opened to box and pulled off the filler paper, this is what I saw:


Those silly cupcakes, just won’t stay in their little holes in the cute boxes that CB bought.  I think maybe something needs to be attached to the bottom of the cupcakes (a cardboard disk or something) that way the cupcakes will stay put and not “go exploring”.

 My cupcakes!

So, needless to say, these aren’t the purdiest cupcakes when they got to me, but everything they lacked in beauty, they made up for in taste.  Delicious! 

 Thanks CB and Mr. Cuppycakes for the nice suprise.

Chicken Rice Pilaf

26 Feb

My mom used to make this recipe all the time growing up.  It has turned into one of my favorite recipes.  I don’t know why, but I’ve never made it myself.  So, last week I called my mom for the recipe and tried to make it.  She thought she remembered the recipe so she told it to me over the phone.  I knew I wouldn’t follow the recipe exactly, so I didn’t write everything down, turned out to be a big mistake.  So, when you make this: Make sure you cover the dish when you cook it or you will have very very crunchy rice. 🙂

Rice Pilaf

I love this rice, it is one of my all time favorite dishes to eat.  John really liked it too.

2 cups uncooked long grain rice
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup butter or margarine
4 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano or basil
1 1/2 cup cooked, chopped chicken

In a skillet, saute rice, celery and onion in butter until the rice is lightly browned and the vegetables are tender.
Spoon into a greased 2 qt. casserole. Combine all remaining ingredients, pour over rice mixture.
COVER and bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes or until rice is done.