White Chocolate Transfer Tutorial

2 Sep

I know!  I updated this twice in two days!  It’s a new record for me. 🙂  As promised here is my tutorial for the white chocolate transfer.  Cake Central was also soo helpful in learning all things cake.  If you aren’t a member, you need to be. 🙂

What you will need:

A picture (If there are words on the picture, make sure you print a mirror image so the words will be right when you flip the design)
Parchment Paper to go over the design
Cutting board to work on
Disposable Icing bags
Candy Melts (found with cake decorating supplies)
Candy food coloring


1. Tape your design to your cutting board, then cover with parchment paper and tape it down also.  (I thought about taping it directly to my table, but I am so glad I didn’t.  It was very helpful to be able to rotate the cutting board while coloring the design.)

2. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to work backwards.  Whatever you want to show up on the outside of the transfer, do first.  I started with black to outline the eagle, globe, and anchor.  So, melt your first color of chocolate, color it and place in your icing bag.  I was using disposable icing bags, so I just snipped of the very tip of the bag and didn’t use a icing tip, however you can use a #1 if you would prefer. 

3. Then just continue with the remaining colors.  I found it easier to work on the design in the middle first, then work my way to the edges. I was afraid I would drag my hand though all my hard work.  Here is how my design progressed:

4. Once you get to your last color, fill it in like normal.  When you are finished you will notice that the design is fairly thin.  To make it easier to pick up, flood the back of the design with any color you have leftover.  You just want to build up the back so it’s more stable.

5. Let set so it hardens.  I put mine in the fridge for about 15 minutes.  When you are ready to apply it to your cake.  Pick it up carefully, flip the design over, and place it on the cake.

Bonus Tip of the Day: Do you have problems filling icing bags by yourself?  Place your bag in a tall glass and fill with ease!

I hope these instructions are clear, if you have any questions just ask!

12 Responses to “White Chocolate Transfer Tutorial”

  1. CB September 2, 2008 at 11:37 AM #

    AWESOME! Love the step-by-step pics. I am thinking for the next LOC I might have to give this a try! 🙂

  2. girl4duke September 2, 2008 at 1:00 PM #

    What a great tutorial! 🙂
    Love the step by step photos… maybe you’re right, I could “possibly” do this.

  3. Betty September 2, 2008 at 6:50 PM #

    Very interesting. Nice tutorial & pics. Have tried this with buttercream frosting but not candy melts. Thanks! I’ll have to try it.

  4. zebe912 September 2, 2008 at 9:45 PM #

    I’ve never had the patience for this. I tend to go only as far as creating an outline or template for myself out of buttercream. I did a picture of Clifford that way once. I’d be way too paranoid of this cracking after putting in all that time.

    So I suppose you’ve now surpassed the need for my knowledge anymore since you’re posting the tutorials now, huh?

  5. Alanna September 3, 2008 at 12:58 PM #

    That is awesome, Nina! Nice work. 🙂

  6. ALICIA September 22, 2008 at 11:40 PM #


  7. Ari November 12, 2009 at 8:06 AM #

    Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing. Your cake turned out great!

  8. Cindy December 6, 2009 at 6:50 PM #

    I was so scared to death to try this but so much now. Thank you very much.

  9. cat July 3, 2010 at 2:39 PM #

    Are you supposed to remove this before cutting the cake? Does a serving of cake get a piece of the chocolate image?

  10. Krissi April 17, 2011 at 9:55 PM #

    Do you just melt the candy melts and put them in your bag? I have done this with royal icing, but never candy melts…..


  1. Go Cowboys!! « Love-Sweet-Love - November 10, 2008

    […] white stripes on the ends and the black lacings.  All of the details are made with a chocolate transfer and the goal posts were an afterthought, so they are […]

  2. the celebration shoppe blog » Archive » hosting a hoe down - June 23, 2009

    […] Pipe your design backwards, meaning pipe the design you want to show on top first and then layer the rest of the design on top of it. Here’s a pictorial from the Love-Sweet-Love blog. […]

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